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Welcome to the Members' Only section

What a fun night as over 60 members gathered at the beautiful home of RSF Women's Fund member, Jennifer Miller, for the annual Bubbles Celebration, enjoying a fun evening of catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. The event also served as a warm-up for the upcoming Galentine's meeting on February 13th, where members will learn about the organizations being considered for March's Site Visits. 

Joining us as this meeting will be our guest speaker, Reynold Hoover, CEO of the 2028 LA Olympics. Don't forget to register for this meeting, if you haven't done so already!

Membership and Guest Policy

  1. Our annual contribution is due September 15th. New member contributions made after April 1st are applied to the following year and do not accrue voting rights until the subsequent Grant Cycle, beginning in September of that year. Regardless of when their contribution is made, all members receive email communications and have access to the Member Portal of our website. 
  2. Renewing members are considered "lapsed" if they have not made their contribution by November 15th. After this time, they will not be allowed to register for any meetings or social events. In addition, they would no longer have access to the Members Only portion of the website nor would they have voting rights within the organization.  

  3. Each new guest is limited to attending ONE EVENT, regardless of sponsoring member. 

  4. Guest fees apply to all guests.  Please note, this fee does not cover the meeting cost in its entirety and meetings are subsidized by the administrative budget (and by extension existing membership dues).

Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund

Established in 2004  |  tax #93-3957288

P.O. Box 7135, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software