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  • Newsletter - November 2020

November 30, 2020

Dear Members,

It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of 2020 and I can't say I am sorry to see it go.  This year has been full of challenges and transitions in each of our day to day lives.  It has also been a unique year for the Women's Fund.  In March when the pandemic hit the United States, we were amid Site Visits for our 2020 grant cycle.  Thanks to a nimble Grants team we were able to quickly pivot and maintain our schedule by organizing Virtual Site Visits. Despite the many changes to our "normal" grant process we were able to successfully award over $357,000 in grants to ten organizations.  Thank you again to our grants team and to all of you for your flexibility and attention to all the communications. The charities have each expressed their sincere gratitude for funding and confirmed the challenging environment in which they are all now operating.

I have missed seeing our membership meet on a regular basis and having the chance to see all of you!  We have tried to continue to connect in innovative ways. The cocktail making class via Zoom with a presentation from Just in Time for Foster Youth (2019 Grantee) at our September Kick-Off meeting was one event that was a lot of fun and received high marks from attendees.  Early this month we were able to join for a small luncheon at Fairbanks Ranch and hear an inspirational speech by Alex Montoya, many of our members were able to join us virtually for this event too. Mr. Montoya shared a message about the importance of appreciating what you have, rather than what you are lacking. Very timely in the present circumstances that are certainly reminding us of what we are lacking and things that I for one used to take for granted.

All the while our Grant Co-Chairs Mara Buchholz and Nikki Ream have been hard at work with the grant work groups. They have completed the initial phase of learning about and filtering through, the programs and organizations that are requesting grants in 2021.  These hard-working women have dedicated many hours each Monday and Tuesday to narrow down the 86 Letters of Intent received, to a list of 31 stellar organizations that have been invited to submit full proposals.  If you are interested in working with the grant work groups, they will be back to work in January and all their meetings will be held via Zoom. They would love to welcome additional members. Contact Mara or Nikki directly if you have questions or interest.

Well, it is that time of year again. Not only the upcoming holiday season but membership renewal as well.  To continue the important work of the Women’s Fund we need you!  With all the struggles in our community and the pressing need of charities for funding to maintain and expand their services, we need your partnership and impact thru your member contribution. Every membership that renews or new member that joins brings us closer to our goal of helping more people in the community through our yearly grants. In addition, back by popular demand, we are holding our 5th Annual “Wonderful Wednesdays Drawing” for everyone who has renewed their contribution to the Women's Fund.

Membership Form

The two important Wednesdays are December 2 and December 23, 2020.

You will have two chances to participate in our raffle drawings for a $100 Nordstrom gift card. By renewing your RSFWF Annual Contribution, postmarked or paid online by midnight, Wednesday, December 2nd you will be eligible for the first drawing held on Wednesday, December 23rd.  When you contribute by midnight, Wednesday, December 2nd you are automatically entered in the December 23rd drawing as well.  Those of you, who have already renewed your contribution for 2021, as well as new members to date, are automatically included in the drawings. 

Thank you once again for being a part of the Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund and our commitment to collectively make a difference in our community.


Candise Holmlund

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